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Creative Arts Practitioners Study

Posted by The University of Sydney - Faculty of Medicine & Health | Jul 6, 2024

Researchers at the University of Sydney are reaching out to hear from you as they are conducting a project exploring the workplace experiences of creative arts practitioners who are currently leading or facilitating (or who have previously – within the last 5 years – led or facilitated) arts programs for individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities or other cognitive disabilities or neurodivergence. The study includes an initial survey (taking about 30 minutes to complete) and then the option of participating in a follow up interview.

To find more information and to complete the survey, please CLICK HERE 

This project takes a very broad view of what a “creative arts practitioner” is. It may be a formal or informal role and it may have a variety of titles such as Teaching artist, Art/s facilitator, Art/s teacher or educator (although Art/s teachers or educators working in primary or secondary school settings are not included in this study), Art/s trainer, Choreographer, Director, Arts practice leader, Instructional Artist, Facilitator of Creative Arts, Arts Workshop Facilitator, Creative Facilitator, Creative Arts Instructor, Instructor in the Arts, Creative Teaching Professional, Creative Workshop Leader, Arts Workshop Instructor, Workshop Facilitator, Creative Arts Coach, Arts Coaching Professional, Artistic Coach, Creative Arts Educator, Arts Education Professional, Instructional Artist, Arts Mentor, Creative Mentor, Expressive Arts Instructor or many others. We also take a broad definition of “project” or “program” – essentially anything formal or informal that assists individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities or other cognitive disabilities or neurodivergence to participate in any type of art for art’s sake.

The only exclusion criteria is as follows:

  • If you are under 18
  • If you work only with people who have other types of disability and do not work at all with people with developmental or intellectual   disabilities   or other cognitive disabilities or neurodivergence
  • If you work as an art/s teacher or educator in a primary or secondary school setting
  • If you use art for therapy (e.g., if you are an art therapist, music therapist, use art to facilitate increased movement or communication) rather than art for art’s sake (i.e., as a creative expression)

The Participant Information Statement and the survey itself can be accessed using this link:


The University of Sydney – Faculty of Medicine and Health


Healthcare, both in Australia and overseas, is undergoing significant change. The University of Sydney is committed to leading this change, by educating and shaping future healthcare professionals and reimagining the way healthcare is delivered. Through a multidisciplinary education and research environment, the university is committed to continually optimising their programs – ensuring that disciplines are best positioned to address the challenges of 21st century healthcare.

The Faculty of Medicine and Health brings together the areas of dentistry, health sciences, medical sciences, medicine, nursing and midwifery, pharmacy and public health to facilitate a multidisciplinary approach to solving modern day healthcare problems. By integrating the best minds and resources from schools, clinical schools, disciplines and research bodies, the newly formed Faculty of Medicine and Health is designed to harness collaboration and translate research into education and clinical practice.

The Faculty of Medicine and Health is home to 12,602 students; 18,000+ student placements at 3,000 sites; 100,000 alumni; leadership with 1,560 academics and 1,140 professional; and 3,800 affiliates. Research output generated over the past 5-years has included:

  • $1.3B research income (including $554m in national competitive grants)
  • 37,000 academic publications generating over 900,00+ citations
  • 1,530 higher degree by research completions

Thank you for your consideration and participation.

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