Invitation to the ENROL-A-THON
Posted by Studio Expansion | Aug 26, 2021
It’s time. The Studio Expansion event of the year!
The ENROL-A-THON is here!
I’ve found one thing to be true when it comes to helping people run successful studios. You KNOW what you need to do. You just don’t know HOW to do it.
This is why I develop trainings like the ENROL-A-THON.
This is my absolute favourite week of the year and I can’t wait for you to join me. It is time to jump-start the growth of your studio with 3 days of the most impactful and proven student attraction strategies.
In the ENROL-A-THON, you will get full access to the 3 most persuasive and effective systems to get more students through the doors of your studio (plus a few bonus extras!).
After the events of 2020-2021, it’s likely you could use a boost to your student numbers. That’s what I’m here for.
With daily valuable resources, you’ll learn how to develop systems to create the kind of studio magic that has students lining up to join your classes.
The ENROL-A-THON helps you implement a repeatable plan to welcome new students to your studio… with a bit of extra sparkle.
Over 3 days, I’ll help you and your team lead your marketing with joy and conviction and fill your classes quick-smart.
And it’s 100% free!
By the end of the week, you’ll feel confident, energised and more connected with your dream students and team. Once you implement the system, it basically runs itself.
Usually only reserved for my private clients, the strategies inside The ENROL-A-THON will boost your student intake INSTANTLY.
The last time we ran The ENROL-A-THON, we had over 1,400 studio owners register and enrol record numbers of new students.
The results were STAGGERING.
Do you want instant results like this?!
When you sign up, you will receive a new piece of the studio expansion puzzle every day and the end result is a practical attraction strategy you can roll out immediately.
Here’s a quick overview of the insider secrets I’ll be disclosing:
- The exact tools I use to instantly connect with and convert my email database.
- The essential elements you need to lead your team and guide them to retain students with passion.
- The most engaging and impactful Facebook tips so you can bridge the gap and get in new students fast.
This is brand new, advanced content for ignited studio owners who have big hearts and wild dreams to grow their studios with freedom and joy.
Are you ready to receive the system that will change the way you enrol students?
Do you feel inspired to get started on the extraordinary journey of studio expansion?
Look no further. The ENROL-A-THON is perfect for you.
I’ll take you through each step of the way – without adding more overwhelm to your life (pinky promise!).
Register your place now, we kick off in just over a week!
This will inspire and motivate you to enrol more students than ever before – I’m bringing my jar of fairy dust. Are you ready to make some magic?
And don’t forget, this is all completely free. Sign up here >>
P.S. The ENROL-A-THON runs for ONE WEEK ONLY – Do not miss out! Kicks off Monday 30 August, 9:30am AEST