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Australian Poetry Slam Youth

Posted by APATA Published By Australian Poetry Slam | Jul 6, 2024

Australian Poetry Slam 2024 begins in a few short months!

First Dates Dropped – Register Your Interest – Book Your Tickets Today

Get ready to write revolutions or cheer for your favourite poets! More than 1000 writers release wild words on audiences across Australia. Poets break free from their notebook cages landing on a stage near you. Australian Poetry Slam (APS) Heat and Workshop dates are being announced every week with the top 16 wordsmiths soaring at Sydney Opera House on 13 October for the APS 2024 National Final. The first APS 2024 event is already booked out so get in quick for future dates!

The team at ASP has also pulled the curtains wide open on their 2024 theme and imagery – *triumphant fanfare*

Learn More – Register – Book Tickets CLICK HERE

Check Out The APS Calendar of Events Coming Your Way CLICK HERE

Australian Poetry Slam

Australian Poetry Slam Youth empowers young people to write and perform their own stories. Organised by Word Travels, Australian Poetry Slam Youth (APS) brings exhilarating performances, interactive workshops and poetry slams to schools, libraries and communities around Australia.

Online and in-person programs empowering young people to write and perform their own poems brings the honesty and energy of poetry slams to classrooms around Australia. APS Youth programs are facilitated by diverse performing writers with workshops and support throughout the program. Workshops guide the way for you, your students and the school.

Inspire: Poetry Slam Show

The show begins with an inspirational performance by a poetry slam champion. The performance is followed by an in-depth discussion and Q&A. Students gain an understanding of the process involved in creating spoken word literature. Workshop length: 50 minutes (supports large group size).

Encourage: Poetry Slam Wordshop

Students create poetry using key learning outcomes from the Inspire program. They tap into experiences, community and identity as sources of inspiration, students to find new ways of expressing their creative ideas using live performance and advanced writing techniques. Workshop length: 2-hours (supports max. 20 students).

Empower: School Slam Event

Combining the Inspire and Encourage programs, students get an in-depth understanding of how to mix creative writing with performance. Then try out their skills. All students watch the Poerty Slam Show. 20 pupils participate in the Poetry Slam Wordshop before performing in their own poetry slam competition for the entire year group. School Slam Length: full day.

What Can The APS Youth Program Do For Your School?

Through performance, workshops and discussion, APS Youth supports English, drama and personal development outcomes. Students develop creative writing skills; public speaking and performance skills; self-esteem and creative self-expression; respect and understanding of their own stories; and the stories of their peers, community and culture.

Themes explored include identity; difference and diversity; culture; and belonging and alienation. Regarding curriculum the Word Travels and APS program match stage 3-5 key learning areas for language (ACELA); literature (ACELT); and literacy (ACELY); and ACEEN outcomes for stage 6 English. The workshops and programs offered by Word Travels and APS are also tailored to suit English, PDHPE and drama syllabuses for stages 3-6. The team at Word Travels and APS warmly welcome the opportunity to create events tailored to the needs of students and schools.

How Can I Get A Jump Start?

Prepare yourself and your students before or after a slam poet comes to your school by accessing the ‘Slam Your Poetry’ essential guide. Linked to the Australian Curriculum, ‘Slam Your Poetry’ is written by Miles Merrill, the founder of Australian Poetry Slam and Narcisa Nozica, an award winning High School English teacher. CLICK HERE to access the APS online shop to order your copy and to also view other great text’s available for purchase.

To learn more or to run a slam, buy tickets, book a poet, workshop or performance CLICK HERE

Slam Your Poetry: Write a Revolution

Announcing Australia’s first guide to spoken word and poetry slams!

Australian Poetry Slam partners with NewSouth Publishing to bring you Slam Your Poetry: Write A Revolution

Written by Miles Merrill, the poet who brought slams down under, and award-winning high school teacher Narcisa Nozica, Slam Your Poetry is part manifesto, part how-to and all finger-snapping-applause-grabbing-diy-community-building-light-it-on-fire, throw it through the man’s window poetry revolution.

From the opening paragraph:
”This is how you change the world with your story.

No props. No music. No costumes.

Just you, your words and a mic. You’ve got 2 minutes to make the crowd scream your name.

Listen to the distant rumble. The roar, getting closer. The cumulonimbus of people not being heard, people whose stories are not being told. The thunder-clap slam of poetry meets the electric light-flash of stage and cheering audience. This overpowering storm of ovations and raw solo manifestos – it’s no rock concert. This isn’t pop.

It’s you. Yes: Y-O-U.
You’re saying what’s on your mind with immediate access to an audience. This is poetry slam.”

Slam Your Poetry catapults you from writing to performing to gigging, teaching and kick-starting your own slam community.

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