APATA – The Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association

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How you doin?

Posted by Team APATA | Aug 26, 2021

To our dear Performing Arts Community,

Just a note to see how you are? To those in Victoria and New South Wales this is an especially hard time and we just want say how brave, resilient and amazing you are and we understand there may be times you want to crumble and that’s ok too.

We just wanted to remind our community of the people and organisations who have your back, who will lend an ear and who may be able to offer a helping hand in this time of Covid crisis.

Will Centurion shared this message as one of his ‘Self-Care Sunday’ posts and we would like to send it out to those APATA readers who may need a little check-in.


SUPPORT ACT – Covid-19 Crisis Relief Grants 

With continued funding support from the Australian Government through the Office for the Arts, Support Act is offering cash grants of $2,000 ($2,700 to families with dependent children) to music and performing arts workers called COVID-19 Crisis Relief Grants (formerly known as MusicKeeper/CrewKeeper).

These grants are not a wage subsidy but a one-off payment to help pay the rent/mortgage, put food on the table, keep connected by paying power or phone bills, registering or servicing the car, paying medical expenses and so on.

  • Our grants are not competitive. They are available to everyone who meets our criteria
  • You can be receiving government benefits (including JobSeeker, Austudy, Disability Support) and still meet our criteria
  • You can apply even if you are a registered small business. We won’t fund your business, but we will provide support for household expenses. If you need additional support contact the Support Act Wellbeing Hotline: 1800 959 500 & supportact.org.au


Lockdowns can be very challenging. Everyone will experience the situation differently, but whatever you feel is normal for you.

Be kind to yourself and use self-care strategies that work for you to get through this time. 

It is extremely important to seek out help if you feel you need it.

Need to talk call: 13 11 14 or Text 0477 131 114 and follow the prompts & lifeline.org.au

RU OK? How to ask?

  1. Ask the question.
  2. Listen with an open mind. Acknowledge what they’re saying and show you’re listening.
  3. Encourage action: How have you dealt with similar situations, what did you find useful? How would they like you to support them? What’s something fun or enjoyable they can do right now?
  4. Check in.

R U OK?  @ ruok.org.au/how-to-ask

NEWACCESS: Free Mental Health Coaching from Beyond Blue

Developed by Beyond Blue, NewAccess is a free and confidential mental health coaching program for anyone feeling stressed or overwhelmed about everyday life issues, such as work, study, relationships, health or loneliness.

  • Available for individuals and small business owners 
  • ACT, NSW, QLD and VIC.
  • Age varies by region, with some supporting people 12+, 16+ or 18+.

There may be a waitlist but you will have access to six free structured sessions giving you the practical tools to manage whatever you’re facing.


Take care, stay safe & reach out.

From all of us at the Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association – APATA.


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