The Wiz
Posted by APATA | Jul 1, 2019
Super delightful morning catching-up with Ruth Donovan, Year 7 and 8 Growth Head of Department / Music Teacher at The Gap State High School. With a passion for musicals Ruth’s 2019 mission has been to produce ‘The Wiz’ with high school students and what a remarkable journey it has been for teachers and the school community.
Firstly, what can I tell you about Ruth? Dedicated teacher, passionate music lover and perfectionist to be the very best of example leading students to grow and learn in the world of performing arts.
You can hear the passion and sheer joy in Ruth’s tone when chatting about her career and working as a High School Educator. Interestingly Ruth herself is a past student of the community having studied at The Gap State High School in years 11 and 12 as her vocation was music and the school offered an outstanding program. Post high school graduation Ruth headed off to university and on her first teaching appointment landed in Cloncurry. The ‘Curry’, as it is affectionately known by locals, is 120km east of Mount Isa and 400km south of the Gulf of Carpentaria. Few places can claim to be as influential in shaping Australia, as Cloncurry. Birthplace of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and destination of the first Qantas flight. Cloncurry is a community that celebrates outback life, the true Australian way with a population today of 3,200 people.
On Ruth’s arrival at the ‘Curry’ it was quickly made apparent the performing arts were a little lack lustre in the region and with a major in music Ruth set about growing the performing arts outlook in the town over the four years during her stay as a ‘Curry’ resident. In fact, Ruth produced a musical – the first to be presented in 20 years as students and the local community embraced the opportunity to perform.
When asked about her mentors Ruth quickly identities the private tutors who instructed her to hone her skills as a violinist and while the instruction, learning and development her tutors gave and shared was invaluable, it was also ‘powerful and empowering to find your path’.
Today as the leading Music Teacher at The Gap State High School Ruth is working with her colleagues and students to present ‘The Wiz’ in August 2019 over three nights. If ticket sales are any indication the house will be full of parents, friends and family enjoying the talents of their community as the season is nearly sold out.
Commencing in the first term Ruth set about auditions and character development with the cast. The production is impressive with students working across all aspects. The cast captures 80 budding musical theatre students, the band involves 18 students, 16 students are working across technical and production design and 6 students have been appointed as wardrobe and make-up artists. Ruth highlights, when talking about her passion project, the goal has been to create joy for those involved in working on the production as well as the attending audience. ‘Theatre is a special place for a student – students need to work collectively as well as independently. The roll each play is individual, but teamwork is required to deliver a whole performance, an awareness of self and each other’.
Ruth is loving every minute of her passion project. The biggest challenge she says is ‘balance’ – the day-to-day responsibilities of being a teacher and delivering class plus the Artistic Director of the school musical which is the first in a few years.
At the pointy end of the rehearsal period Ruth is on her toes working solutions, supporting students, promoting the production and now like her tutors empowering her students to confidently take to the stage as a united body and deliver a showstopper and in essence be the best they can be.
The Gap State High School has a wonderful history in the performing arts and ‘The Wiz’ will showcase another successful program in the school community. The performing arts program at The Gap State High School offers a vibrant and innovative arts curriculum program that gives students the opportunity to achieve success both academically and creatively. Visual arts studios, computer labs, digital editing suites, classrooms, rehearsal and performance spaces allow students to access a wide range of activities that in turn allow students to actively engage in developing arts skills. The performing arts at The Gap State High School incorporate a range of learning styles and experiences that endeavours to help students enhance self-esteem and build an awareness of the role in creativity and ideas.
Musically the school has achieved some wonderful accolades and achieved recognition as the State Fanfare Festival Best Performance; Metropolitan winner 2010, 2012, State Finalist 2010, 2012 and Grand Finalist in 2010. At the National Percussion Eisteddfod, the school were Finalists in 2010 and Australian Champions in 2008 and 2012. Participating in the QSuper State Showcase Award for Academic Excellence they achieved a winning position in 2010 for AMPed: Music Theory in Best Practice – School Accelerated Music Program.
Many students have participated in Creative Generations – State Schools on Stage, Eisteddfods, Generations in Jazz and the Queensland Music Festival. Currently the school has 1 choir, 3 concert bands, 3 string ensembles, 2 jazz bands, 2 percussion ensembles and a number of small ensembles with specialist instrumental teachers coordinating weekly lessons, rehearsal and regular performances. Facilities at the school include a 700-seat performance hall, auditorium, rehearsal and practice rooms.
We wish Ruth and The Gap State High School presenting ‘The Wiz’ in early August all the best!
Chookas & Break a Leg!