NMA presents: Australian Perspectives Teacher PD
Posted by National Museum of Australia | Dec 16, 2021
The National Museum of Australia presents a free teacher professional learning program on First Nations, gender, and migration.
Hear Steph Tisdell, Professor Clare Wright, and Saroo Brierley share their personal stories and reflect on the defining moments that have shaped them.
Gain access to full video content on demand, where special guests, teachers, students and curators delve deeper into each theme and their relevance to the Australian Curriculum.
Australian Perspectives will give you tools to incorporate diverse stories in your classroom. These stories will encourage students to feel a sense of belonging and pride in their own identities and build intercultural understanding and respect for different viewpoints.
Hosted by award-winning journalist Virginia Hausseggerr AM and also featuring guest panel speakers Nathaniel Tamwoy, Nevo Zisin, and Professot Munjed Al Muderis this free 60-minute session is accredited by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI).