Members Only- in case you missed Dan Nixon
Posted by Team APATA | Mar 23, 2023
Hi there APATA members: In case you missed the ‘Story Through Character’ webinar with storyteller, writer, producer and educator Dan Nixon you may now login and watch on-demand in the APATA Digital Library for a limited time.
Dan is the owner and director of Melbourne Young Writers’ Studio, a storytelling education company with a studio based in Melbourne’s Carlton. He is also co-owner and co-director at Pirate Size Productions. A production company focused on content for young people and families. You may have seen their work on Sesame Street and the ABC. Check out Pencil Pals and Teeny Tiny Stevies.
Dan and Pirate Size Productions have two productions in the works for Apple Tv + and the ABC and the critical part of both is character voice and dialogue.
Dan says, “Its not the role of a character to move through a story, but the role of a story to move through a character.”
This webinar focuses on how to draw a story out of a character and the questions required to do that as effectively and efficiently as possible. The nitty gritty shall we say of character creation that both you and your students will be able to take on board during your writing adventures.
Lots of thought-provoking tips whether writing for the classroom, theatre, screen or page. Thanks Dan!
Members may login to watch On-Demand via the linked image below.