APATA – The Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association

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GIVE: Inclusive Teaching Artistry

Posted by Team APATA | Sep 29, 2022

GIVE (Growing Inclusivity for Vibrant Engagement) is a FREE guide that supports Teaching Artists (TAs) in the creation of liberated learning environments and vibrant arts experiences within inclusion settings. 

The GIVE guide was launched in 2021 after three years of planning that included feedback from a consortium of contributors and experts. The New Victory Education Department, along with GIVE partners ArtsConnection and Community-Word Project, aims to build inclusive practices for disabled students within the arts across all sectors serving young people.

Created for Teaching Artists in New York and beyond, GIVE resources are the starting point for a teaching artist’s ongoing practice in creating a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment.

What does inclusion mean?

Navigating GIVE Resources for Arts Education

Teach with GIVE – Visit Website: teachwithgive.org

  • Getting Started
  • Planning
  • Teaching, or
  • Wrapping Up & Reflecting

You will be able to view topics like Classroom & Behaviour Management; Remote Teaching & Learning; Classroom Partners; Practical Tips & Accommodations, and Liberated Learning Environments and their related resources.

A great start would be downloading the Visual Vocabulary – beautiful visual representations of common vocabulary terms used for Visual/Media Arts, Theatre, Music, Literary Arts, Dance, and Photography/Filmmaking.

Get inspired with Creating Stigma-Free Classrooms, delve into the Activity Bank – a bank of short activities or skill-based tasks for all art-forms from Pre-K to High School that already include supports and accommodations to meet a range of students’ needs. These activities can be easily added to your lesson—with small adjustments for your unique students and classroom—to make it more inclusive.

A great variety of tools for Arts educators and practitioners to help you make the Arts accessible for all. teachwithgive.org

Australian Inclusion Tools

“The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards) are intended to give students with disability the same rights as other students, including the right to education and training ‘on the same basis’ as students without disability.” [Inclusiveschools.com.au]

All Means All – the Australian Alliance for Inclusive Education is working to implement an inclusive education system and remove the legal, structural and attitudinal barriers that limit the rights of some students, including students with disabilities, to access full inclusive education in regular classrooms in Australian schools.

The Teacher Toolkit and Parent Toolkit offer education resources with an Australian perspective (Though not Arts-based).

Inclusive School Communities, Inclusive Schools Australia and Inclusive Education Planning each offer resources and professional development for inclusive education practices.

Art & You: A Planning Guide – released by Arts Access Victoria is a downloadable workbook for people with a disability, or who are deaf, to help them advocate for art in their lives.

Tell us about your inclusive practices in your school, classroom or studio HERE .

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