APATA – The Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association

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From Student to Professional with THEatre BRIDGE

Posted by Team APATA | May 18, 2023

For performing arts graduates coming out of training institutes and courses just how to make your move into the professional industry can be daunting, exciting and everything in between.

The THEeatre BRIDGE Program aims to help you crossover from student mindset to professional working artist mindset, able to present yourself as a readily employable musical theatre performer.

This ‘audition only’ program commencing Friday 14 July 2023 runs for four weeks, Friday through to Monday.

The THEatre BRIDGE Program 

Develop a performer’s mindset under the tutelage of internationally renowned theatrical creatives and form professional connections.

Who is it for?

  • Graduates from a Bachelor MT degree
  • Graduates from a full-time dance course
  • Graduates from a full-time acting course or degree
  • Newly professionally represented performers (inc. non graduates)

Register your interest & apply with Theatre Bridge

Facebook: @TheTheatreBridge 

Instagram: @TheatreBridge 


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