Bus Stop Films Movie Night Fundraiser
Posted by Bus Stop Films | May 13, 2021
Bus Stop Films are on a mission to reach their 2021 fundraising goal and you can help! Get your ticket and hop on board to celebrate Bus Stop Films‘ amazing catalogue of films.
Hosted by celebrity MC Elle Dawe, the night will include a selection of our inclusively made films such as favourites Be My Brother and The Interviewer, heart-warming impact documentary Lives in Action and many more films we’d love to share with you.
The event will include Auslan interpretation, and all films will be captioned.
Your ticket includes popcorn and a drink on arrival.
The ACA bar will be open and our pop-up store will have our exclusive BSF merchandise for sale. Tell your friends, bring your family, and make a night at the movies mean so much more.
Thank you to our friends at Actors Centre Australia for hosting The Best of the Bus!
Movie night: Wednesday 16 June, 7pm -10pm [AEST] @ACA
Get your tickets HERE