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AI in the Classroom – Have Your Say!

Posted by Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training | May 31, 2023

What are your thoughts on AI technologies in education?

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training has launched an inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system.

Chair of the Committee, Lisa Chesters MP, noted that ‘artificial technologies are increasingly available in education settings, presenting both opportunities and challenges. This inquiry will examine the ways in which these technologies may impact education outcomes for students in the Australian education system.’

‘We will have a particular focus on the emergence of generative AI technologies, and the benefits and the risks they may hold for the Australian education system, now and into the future,’ Ms Chesters said.

‘The Committee encourages submissions from stakeholders in this field, including industry experts, researchers, educators and others interested in the issue.’

The Committee welcomes your views on any or all of the terms of reference, depending on your areas of interest and expertise. For further information please refer to the inquiry webpage.

Submissions Due Date:

Submissions to the inquiry should be sent to the Committee by 14 July 2023. It is preferred that submissions be uploaded electronically, through: www.aph.gov.au/Committee/Submissions.

What happens when I make a submission?

Once a document is received, the Committee decides whether to accept the document as a submission and publish it on its website. Please note that making a submission constitutes giving evidence and attracts parliamentary privilege. Once you have provided a submission to the Committee you cannot withdraw it or alter it without the Committee’s permission. Please note that your document should not be disclosed to any other person until its publication has been authorised by the Committee.

While the Committee generally prefers that submissions be made public, you may request that part or all of your submission be kept confidential. Any request for confidentiality should include reasons for the request, and be provided in writing for the Committee to consider.

Please refer to the following brochure for helpful information on preparing a submission, including information about parliamentary privilege and requests for confidentiality:


More information on the inquiry, including the full terms of reference and details on making a submission, can be found on the Committee website.

If you require further information please contact the Committee secretariat on (02) 6277 4573 or by email at ee.reps@aph.gov.au.


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