APATA – The Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association


Awards > Award Showcase

Amy Tinning Presentation

WINNER: Amy Tinning

The Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association was fortunate to catch up with Julia Creek-based Amy Tinning at BPAC, to present her with the Teacher of the Year award while there supporting two of her outback dancers, Lucy and Madeline during the competition.

Acknowledging not only the amazing teamwork of her Deputy Principal Tammy Gordon and Student Teacher Hannah Gronold, Amy recognised the families, students and communities who are entwined in her school, Branches Performing Arts.

“This award is a huge honour and I must say it’s not a single handed effort. Many hands, hearts and heads have banded together to bring my vision to life over the past 9 years. This award is a very special way to honour all who have played their part in making our school so great.”

APATA Theme by Steve Toulmin

Amy with students Madeline and Lucy who were competing at BPAC.
Student Lucy often assists Amy with live demonstrations during Distance Dance lessons.
Amy inspires her students to reach for the stars, and Lucy and Madeline are poised for success in their future endeavours.


Congratulations Amy Tinning!

Winner of the APATA National Performing Arts Teacher of the Year Award!



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